08 Apr

Coatings for concrete floors are a great way to protect the surface and create a custom look. They also help simplify maintenance and improve skid resistance. 

Today's coating products come in a wide range of performance levels and are easier to apply than ever before. They offer faster curing times, lower VOCs and are more abrasion resistant than traditional formulations.

What is a Polymer?

Polymers are a type of substance that is made up of molecules that link together to form larger molecules. They are found in everything from simple home furniture to looming skyscrapers.

A polymer can be man-made (synthetic) or natural (rubber). Depending on its desired use, it may have abrasion and scratch resistance, elasticity, or brittleness.

As a coating, a polymer is used to create a tough, durable film that is resistant to abrasion, water damage, and chemicals. It is applied to a surface to protect it from the elements, and can also be decorative. concrete coatings are a great way to give concrete surfaces a fresh look and add a decorative touch. 

They are a popular choice for garages, basements, and exterior surfaces because they protect against water and chemical damage. They are also easy to clean and maintain. They are available in a variety of colors and designs, so you can find one that is right for your home.

What is an Epoxy Coating?

An epoxy coating is a surface coating that uses a chemical mix of two liquid components, the epoxy resin and hardener, to create a tough, solvent-resistant finish. It is a popular option for concrete surfaces such as garage floors, warehouse floors and industrial floors.

There are many types of epoxy that can be used for concrete surface coatings and it is important to choose the right one for your needs. The type of epoxy that you use depends on a few things, including the quality of the formula and the solids content.

Epoxy coats are often available in both water-based and 100% solids resin-based formulas. Generic water-based epoxies are sold at big box stores and high-end 100% solid epoxy coats are usually formulated by manufacturers that specialize in making these products.

What is a Light-Emitting Coating?

A light-emitting coating is a type of coating used to enhance the appearance and safety of concrete surfaces. Many of these coatings are designed to protect concrete from harsh weather conditions, chemicals and UV rays.

It is also a way to give a surface a glossy finish that improves the appearance of the surface. The addition of a high-gloss coating can make concrete look attractive and clean, especially in outdoor areas such as patios or other public areas.Several different types of coatings are available for use with concrete, including epoxy, urethane, acrylic and polyurea. 

These coatings can be formulated to meet specific performance requirements, aesthetic goals and budget needs. One type of concrete surface coating involves the addition of light-emitting fibers into the concrete mixture, which allows it to emit light during the night. This type of coating has several promising applications, including building environment decoration, roads/lanes lighting and expressway signs/safety.

What is a Non-Slip Coating?

A non-slip coating is a type of coating used to make concrete surface surfaces safer for people to walk on. Adding a non-slip coating can help prevent injuries, so it’s an important safety precaution for any business or home that wants to keep people safe and happy.

There are many different types of non-slip coatings. These include products that have aggregate pre-mixed, a single- or two-part system, and a product that creates a rough texture as it dries.

These types of coatings are able to withstand water and oil, making them ideal for a variety of applications. They are also easy to apply, and don’t take long to dry.They are available for all types of surfaces, including steel, aluminum, fiberglass, tile, and concrete. 

They are also ADA compliant, so they’re perfect for schools, hospitals, and other places where people need to stay safe. 

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